What an exciting and exhausting experience being filmed for Colour In Your Life.  Graeme and Sophia and Jen turned up early in the morning and got straight down to business.  They’re a well oiled team I can say that much.  It takes quite a while to set up all the filming gear and get prepared.

Then….. dadadaaaaa…. it was time to get down to the business of painting.  This is quite a challenge and really steps outside the poor old comfort zone of usually chilling in the studio, listening to the radio and flinging some paint of ink about.

You have to really be on your toes, because not only do you have to paint a landscape, but also Graeme (bless him) fires random questions at you like a machine gun.  Each question slaps you out of your right brain, straight back to the left brain, which then shudders with reality and goes into a mad scramble to find the answer, which of course is useless, because you’ll only remember the correct one the next day with a forehead slapping moment followed by a lightbulb moment and the phrase “Nawwww…….I should have said that”.   haha

Anyway.  All this was not a bad experience and we had tons of laughs.   Seriously, if you’ve ever considered being on the show, my advice is   JUST DO IT.  You’ll have a ball.  Cheers.