Monthly Archives: June 2016

Australian Guild of Realist Artists.

A little while ago I sent my application in to the Australian Guild of Realist Artists and waited patiently for a response. The application has to go in front of a Committee of 3 selectors and you need to be accepted by all 3.  AND I WAS!!!  Very happy with this and looking forward to


So I've just created a facebook page for everyone to share their creative endeavors.  So if you paint it, draw it, etch it, sing it, write it, read it or just create something of your own with your heart and hands we would all like to see it.

Youtube clips

Well, the first of the tutorial clips are now available on Youtube on my chanel  Rhonda Armistead.  There's one on mixing mediums and the other on mixing colour for the ochre palette.  and  if you're interested have a look. I'm about to start filming some more quick deconstructed paintings and show you how
